Monday, November 22, 2010

missing jazz,jazzy, jasmine (again)

I miss my baby so much!!! i am in chicago and i have been her for 2 and a half days. the only reason I Have not been calling every 10 minutes to talk to the puppy is because I have been surrouned by dogs! I have been staying at my uncles house and they have a dog. He is so sweet! He is such a is fur ball! But they left today to go to their home out in Michigan. No dogs anymore. They took the dog with them. :(. But, my grandma has an 11 year old dog who has the energy of a 5 mnth old puppy!! I have seen her a few times as well and will see her more times this trip. last ut not least, i went with my grandma to work. She works at a animal vet/shelter. I saw dogs, but play with any. I played with 3 little kittens. They were adorable! But, none of them can replace my jazz. I could be in a room filled with a 1,000 puppies and still miss jazzy.
I have been talking to my mom still at home (since it is just my dad and I here) and jazzy seems to be doing fine without me. (Shocker I know. how can she be happy without me?!?! :) I was sent a picture of the baby having her first bath! she will be clean for my return! Yay! No more smelly puppy! Wohoo!!! Who KNOWS when her last bath was! not since we adopted her in July thats for sure!!!
Anyway, I can not wait to see her on thursday!! I MISS YOU JAZZY!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good News!

The other day, I Googled Jazz Jazzy Jasmine- Blog and it was the third one on the list! I was shocked because when i looked a month and a half ago I had to go back a few pages before I found it. What that means is that when people Google "Jazz Jazzy Jasmine the blog" that is what they find and click on most often! I hope alot of people have seen the blog!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jazzys many friends!

Jazzy and her buddie Kaya love to run around and play when they see each other! Jazzy loves playing with a dog her size!

Skate on the other hand.... is not her size. Actually he is about a quarter of her size! But those to dogs can and do play like they have not seen each other fors years! Jazzy runs around staying low to the ground and lets skate jump and punce in her. I sometimes think she knows who the bigger dog is...... I wish we could get the two of them together more, because i have never seen two dogs play the way those to do! Its one of the cutest things in the world!

Jazzy the duck

This is our Jazz. Jazzy the duck. You would think any normal dog would hate a coustum, but we did not adopt a normal dog. We adopted an attention craving puppy. And a black puppy in a duck chearleaders uniform is sure to get attention! She loved it! People would walk by us and tell us Jazzy looked so cute! After all, a puppy in a duck uniform is pretty darn cute!

The many Names of Jazz

Her name is Jasmine. But like any other person, she is not always called Jasmine......
The many names of Jazzy......

1. Jazzymundo
2. Jazzy girl
3. Jazz
3. Jazzy moto
4. Jazzmonodys (don't know how you would spell that)
4. Baby
5. Fido (bernardo and dad)
6. Bowser (bernardo and dad)
7. Dog (when in trouble)
8. Girly
9. poopy (Only because it sounds like puppy and thats what my mom calls her when she is happy and using   her french accent to make puppy sound like poopy!

Have you heard us call her anything different? Have any other nicknames? these are only a few of the many!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ohhh Jazz......

Jazzy is not like most puppies. For example I have never really heard her bark. Only whines and wimmpers. But she certinaly has her likes and dislikes....

- Ice Cubes.
- Other Dogs.
- Her mommy (my mom).
- Anything that can be chewed and shreded into a million peices.
- Belly rubs.
- Thinking she is a lap puppy.
- To believe she can still fit in small spaces.
- Holding her leash in her mouth while we walk.
- Pine cones.
- Socks.
- And brightly colored toys (prefers brightly colored baby toys)
- Trying to eat rain and gutter water run-off.
- New people.
- And her family (ME!)

But she is not all flowers and daisies. She has many fobias and dislikes for sure.....

-Cars comming up from behind her.
-Barking dogs.
- Getting wet (swimming, hoses, ect.)
- When people won't play with her or rub her belly.
- Finding out she is to large to fit in small places.
- Unknown sounds.
- School Busses.
- Being yelled at (but who likes that?!)
- Not being aloud to eat people food.
- Not being fed on time.
- And ridding in the car.......
Ridding in the car is not always a jazzy dislike, but it is for us. When she is in the car, she drools like a mad puppy! I have never seen anything like it before! Jazz is my first dog, so when we first brought her home, in the car I was not sure what to expect. But what she did was definitly not something I would have thought about. She looks like we doused her with a hose by the time we arrived at our destination! She stays calm and looks just fine the whole car ride, other than the steady stream of drool comming out the corners of her mouth. We have learned to always keep towl handy and a blanket underneath her!
If you have met Jazzy, and you think I am leaving any characteristics out, please let me know! though it would be very sad if someone other than me could figure that out! Please leave a comment! I love to read them! I love to know when people have read my blog! Thank you! Meredith

Thursday, August 12, 2010