Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Blog

I am writting this blog on my puppy Jasmine (Jazzy), because keeping a constant journal is hard. I wanted to do something like this on an actuall doggy blog website, but it did not work. :( So, I started this. My plan is to post photos of her as she grows up to be a smart, wounderful dog!
We brought Jazzy home with us on Saturday July 10, 2010. Jazzy is a mutt who was taken to the humane society as a stray, and she found a home in 2 days. The people at Oregon Humane Society(OHS) said she was a Gordon Setter mix. We can see a small amount of Lab in her and a little bit of Border Collie as well. She is mostly black with a white patch down her chest, and just a hint of brown on her paws. And she is just as sweet as she looks! Jazzy is so calm!! She has not barked once! Accept for when she is in her crate. But she is a 4 month old puppy, whats to be expected!?
The first night was hard. I was not here to experience it, due to proir plans, but I was told in detail. All night the poor dog vommited obsesivle most likely due to jitters. It hit everything in the poor dogs crate. So, she was moved into Sheridans room where she continued to projectile vommit. After about 3 hours of that, she finally calmed down, Jazzy began to bark. Sheridan slept throught it all. Jazzy finally calmed down enough to go to sleep. So, the first night was hard, but everyone got more sleep the next night. But at least we can say we had a very different first night excperience!
Not much more has happened to or with Jazzy. Though I have already taught her how to sit, laydown, and almost shake. Her most needed, almost fully taught trick, "Go Outside". Potty Training. Better out there than in here!!


  1. It is more fun when I am not the only one commenting! Anyone?

  2. She is SO cute! Maybe when she gets older you could walk her up here sometime. She's welcome here! Finally when I go to petsmart I can get something for her! :) She's going to be spoiled!

  3. Oh yeah. She is already spoiled rotten! But i love her!! Sooooo Sooooo much!!

  4. I k! She and Halle's dog will be bff's!

  5. I know! And when you get a dog! The circle of pups!

  6. My parents said we aren't going 2 get a dog.... :(
