Monday, July 19, 2010

Pokes, Pinches, and Glass Doors.

Like every 4 month old pup, Jazzy has had her fair share of pokes and pinches. Glass doors, can not fit into either catogory. How could a glass door have anything to do with pokes and pinches? It doesn't. But I am almost positive Jazz now is not fond of the glass door....
After being let out in the backyard to burn of excess energy for a period of time, we let her back in to the house. She bolted inside, eagar to see the family. She jumped and sniffed and turned around to head back outside. Little did she know that we had closed the glass sliding door. The windows had just been wipped down, so the were hard for an eagar puppy to see. Jazzy turned around and ran, full speed ahead into the door. So much for burrning of energy. Jazzy bounced back, seeming unfazed. She looked up at us with her big puppy eyes. All we could do was laugh at her. Oh well. Glass door, meet Jazzy. I would not be suprised if you two met again....
Not all puppy injuries are the after effect of a release of energy. We were walking Jazzy around on the front lawn, trying to get her to go. She walked around the yard at least 20 times trying to find a spot to go. No luck. After she finally gave up and flopped down on the grass, her curious puppy senses took over. Our yard is nothing short of weed flowers, meaning never short of bees. Jazzy's eyes followed a bee and watched it land on a flower, right in front of her nose. She stood up and sniffed the bee. She proceeded to nudge it with her paw and nose. When she gave up and realized the bee was not anything she could chew on, she gave up and walked away. Unfortunately, the bee still found interest in the flower. walking away, Jazzy trommpled right over the flower, steping on the bee. Jazzy cried and wimpered, reassuring us it hurt. My mom called me out to get her ice. That did not work. So I filled a plastic container and dropped a couple ice cubes in and rushed out to bring it to Jazz. I could oly keep her paw in there for about 5 seconds. It was obvious she thought she should be drinking the water, not sticking her paws in it. She limped around and continued to bite her foot for a while. We put her in her crate to let her rest while we were out.
Both injuries were quickly recovered from. Jazzy's paw is just fine and the window run in never effected her in the least. I could go on for hours, talking about various things Jazzy probably wished she had never gotten into. I hope Jazz continues to be overly curios. What would a puppy be without puppy curiosity?


  1. hahaha i love jazzy. she sounds so funny. i really want to meet her. (and by the way i love the glass door story.)

  2. Yay! You got my email! Are you still on your trip?

  3. yeah, i am. i love your blog, by the way. the stories are so funny.

  4. Hahaha! Jazzy is so funny!!! Poor girl with the bee though. I hope she's okay! I saw Halle's pup yesterday1 So cute! But Jazzy and Skate are both the same ranking in cuteness 4 me!
